Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Toy

This morning I slept in a bit because last night I baby-sat 8, yes, as in 4 + 4 = 8, kids.  They ranged in age from 1 to 11, so it was a full house!  I didn't lose anyone (thanks to frequent head counts throughout the night) so I consider it a success.  My grandma was 1 of 8 kids, and I have NO idea how her parents managed.  Especially without DVDs and Pandora!  While the older kids were watching a DVD and the 1 year old was screaming his lungs out in protest of bedtime, I luckily thought to put on Pandora's lullaby station, which was actually pretty awesome.  I was expecting nursery rhymes and kids' songs, but it actually played artists like Jack Johnson, Fleetwood Mac, and the Mamas & the Papas, along with some classic Disney songs.  Plus it did the trick and put the baby to sleep!  Thanks, Pandora.

Since I took an unintentional rest day on Friday after sleeping through yoga, I went to the gym for cardio this morning instead of my usual Sunday yoga/ rest day.  I did the Fitnessista's "My biscuits are burning!" elliptical workout, the stairstepper, stationary bike, and stretched.  I still wanted to have a leisurely brunch like I've started doing on Sundays, so I had an apple with almond butter, a hard-boiled egg, and a seed and raisin ball before going to the gym with plans for brunch instead of lunch after I worked out.

So when I got my new boots and shorts the other day, I actually had 2 other packages waiting for me as well.  Yeah, definitely had a prolonged shopping spree.  Anyways, one of the boxes contained Sun Warrior protein powder.

I've never bought protein powder before, but after reading about it on a lot of blogs for awhile, and the Fitnessista raving about this particular kind, I decided to give it a try after it went on sale in the Fitnessista's Open Sky shop.  

Since I wanted to try out the Sun Warrior and make a brunch food, I decided to make the Fitnessista's Perfect Protein Pancakes.   I used some almond milk and some rice milk because I didn't have a full 1/4 cup of almond milk, and I used whole wheat pastry flour instead of gluten-free baking mix.  I also did not add any stevia or sweetener because the Sun Warrior already contains stevia and I figured it would be sweet enough with my toppings.

Unfortunately, I thought they were too dry.  I much preferred the "hot apple pie" pancakes I made last week.  I might play around with the protein pancake recipe and add some yogurt or applesauce to see if I could make them less dry.

I topped them with sunflower seed butter and banana which I heated up in a skillet with a little coconut oil.  Oh, and a hefty dusting of cinnamon, of course.  Even though they weren't my favorite, I cleaned my plate and they did fill me up for a long time. 

The other box I got contained a new toy:

A blender!  I love my food processor to death and use it almost every day, but I've been wishing I had a blender, too.  After I ordered the Sun Warrior, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get a blender so that I could make smoothies with the protein powder (and smoothies sans protein powder, too).  

My first smoothie was a huge success!  I made a Classic Green Monster from Angela at Oh She Glows (amazing vegan blog).   I added 1 cup rice milk, 1 T chia seeds, 1 T natural peanut butter, 2 handfuls spinach, a frozen banana, and 2 ice cubes, which was the perfect amount to fill up my glass!

It was absolutely delicious and tasted like a peanut butter and banana smoothie.  Packed full of nutrients and delicious to boot - not too shabby!  I have a feeling my new toy will be getting lots of use.

Now I've got to do some reading for school and work on an assignment, plus watch the Amazing Race :)  Anyone else watching the Amazing Race, or is everyone opting for the Oscars instead?

Have a great night!

My view of the sunset tonight.  I love when I can see a couple of the tall buildings in downtown Cleveland.
Song of the day:

"Brand New Shoes" by She & Him.  She & Him is made up of Zooey Deschanel (does anyone watch "New Girl" on Fox?  SO funny!) and M. Ward.  This video is pretty adorable, too.


  1. Sounds like a good day to me. Gorgeous sunset and song! Zooey is amazing :)

    1. It was a good day :) I love relaxing Sundays. Zooey really is amazing; I used to seek out all of her movies, even the small indie ones, so now I'm super excited she's on TV every week! Total girl crush, haha. Thanks for reading!
