Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cousin It

I'm currently writing this post outside!  Outside in March!  In Ohio!  I celebrated the mild weather with an iced coffee.  Perfection.  I know it won't last, but I'm soaking up this  pleasant weather while I can.  Although the wind is blowing my hair around like crazy, making it difficult for me to see my computer screen.

Exhibit A:

Another snack I made on Sunday for my upcoming trip are these endurance crackers.  They're packed with great ingredients; I especially love all the chia seeds.  These will make it easy to get lots of healthy nutrients on my trip.

I followed the recipe exactly, but I did not add in the optional Herbamare or kelp granules.  (I've never tried either of those things, but I don't like seafood and I'm afraid they might taste fishy....)

I baked them for 30 minutes on one side, and then just 25 on the other side - they didn't need to go for the entire 30 additional minutes.

After they cooled, I put them in a Ziploc bag and they're all ready to be packed up and taken on the road.  It's kind of tough having all of these snacks on hand and having to wait until I'm traveling to eat them.  Good thing the cookies are in the freezer!

This morning I went to the gym for cardio (elliptical and stationary bike) and I must have still been half-asleep, because it took me a good 10 minutes on the elliptical to realize that I hadn't turned on a program, so there wasn't any resistance.  Woops!  And then when I went to wipe down the machine, I accidentally wiped off the elliptical next to the one I was using before I realized that all of my stuff (magazine, water bottle, iPod) was on the machine next to the one I had just cleaned.  Very smooth.

Lots of giveaways in the blog world today!  One of my favorite bloggers, Chocolate-Covered Katie, is giving away $100 to Amazon - sooo many possibilities for spending that!

Reader question:  How would you spend $100 on Amazon?  It's hard for me to narrow it down, but I might buy some Physique 57 workout DVDs - I really want to try them out, and my local library doesn't have any :(

Song of the day:

"Bang Pop" by Free Energy.  Their songs are so fun (perfect for warm weather) and they're really good to see live, too.  I got to hold the lead singer's mic during a song the last time I saw them, and my BFF and I got pulled on stage, too!  I could really use a good concert right about now - it's been too long.

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